✡️Getting Started

Discover the power of AlcaBot, a revolutionary trading tool brought to you by ALCA Team. This article will guide you through using AlcaBot to effortlessly manage token purchases, sales, and sniping. Additionally, the bot offers real-time alpha alerts as soon as new tokens are deployed on the blockchain. Experience the convenience and efficiency of AlcaBot for your crypto trading journey.

In order to use AlcaBot you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have a Telegram account.

  2. Have the minimum $ALCABOT tokens required to enter the server: currently 50,000 $ALCABOT tokens. <You can purchase $ALCABOT on Pancakeswap.>


  1. Visit our Telegram ALCABOT [here] and access the bot.

  2. Verify your wallet by following the provided instructions.

  3. Click on /start to initiate the registration process.

  4. IMPORT your Wallet key as guided by the bot.

  5. Congratulations! You are now successfully registered through Telegram and all set to begin using our powerful trading bot, AlcaBot. Start maximizing your crypto trading potential today!

Last updated