✨Manual Buy/Sell

Step-by-Step Guide to Manual Buy on AlcaBot:

  1. Ensure that the token you wish to buy has already launched and is available for trading.

  2. Open the AlcaBot interface on Telegram.

  3. Type /buy command to initiate the manual buy process.

  4. Input the token contract address for the specific token you want to purchase.

  5. Click the "Submit" button to confirm your manual buy order.

  6. AlcaBot will process your request, and your purchase order will be executed according to the market conditions.

Remember to review the details carefully before submitting the buy order to ensure accuracy. Happy trading with AlcaBot!

Step-by-Step Guide to Manual Sell on AlcaBot:

  1. Make sure you are holding the tokens you want to sell in your wallet.

  2. Open the AlcaBot interface on Telegram.

  3. Type /sell command to initiate the manual sell process.

  4. Input the token contract address for the specific token you want to sell.

  5. Enter the amount or quantity of tokens you wish to sell.

  6. Click the "Submit" button to confirm your manual sell order.

  7. AlcaBot will process your request, and your sell order will be executed based on the current market conditions.

Be attentive when entering the details to ensure the correct token and quantity are specified for the sell order. Always review your actions before confirming to avoid any errors. Happy selling with AlcaBot!

Last updated